About The Founder
1974 Social Visit
1. In 1974 – 3 Top Senior Officials from United Kingdom namely The President of Swimming Teachers’ Association Mrs. Lee Robinson, President of International Federation Swimming Teachers’ Association – Mr. Harry Bates & Secretary General of the International Federation of Swimming Teachers’ Association – Mr. David L. Brailsford paid a social visit to Singapore and had an unofficial meeting with me at the Singapore Island Country Club, Thomson location regarding the possibility of forming the Singapore Swimming Teachers’ Association.
2. In October 15, 1977, Mr. David L. Brailsford- Secretary General of the International Federation of Swimming Teachers’ Association, Mr. Gordon Pancotte- President of Swimming Teachers’ Association (UK) and Mr. Harry Bates- President of The International Federation of Swimming Teachers’ Association came back again to Singapore and had an open meeting at the Hotel Merlin in Beach Road at 6.00.p.m. – 67 Singaporeans attended the meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to form Singapore Swimming Teachers’ Association for the advancement of the teaching swimming and aquatic subjects . The Pro –tem committee was also elected.
3. Between 17th – to 20th October 1977, Mr. David L. Brailsford, Mr. Gordon Pancotte & Mr. Harry Bates made three separate meetings with the Singapore Sports Council at the National Stadium, Kallang- to discuss with the top officials regarding the formation of the Singapore Swimming Teachers’ Association and to clarify that the objects of the proposed Association would not be in conflict with the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association.
4. During the same period, Mr. David L. Brailsford, Mr. Gordon Pancotte 7 Mr. Harry Bates also made 4 separate meetings with the Registry of Societies at the Police Building–EU TONG SEN ROAD to finalise and submit the Constitution of the proposed Association together with the relevant registration documents for registration.
5. 11 months later, no respond was received from the Registration Department or from the Government Department or the Sports Bodies in Singapore.. Due to the no response from the above bodies, we – the Pro-tem Committee seek the advise of a Law firm, several letters were sent and enquiries were made by the Law firm with the Registry of Societies.
6. In June 1979, The Prime Minister of Singapore visited England. Mr. David L. Brailsford had the opporturnity to discuss with the Secretary to the Prime Minister In London matters regarding the registration of the proposed Association. On 21st August 1979, the Registrar of Societies officially informed the Pro-tem Committee that the registration of the Singapore Swimming Teachers’ Association was not approved.
7. Subsequently, a lengthy letter of appeal dated 14th day of September 1979 was sent by the Law firm to the Honourable Minister of Home Affairs, Singapore. About 7 months thereafter, a letter dated 7th April 1980 from the Ministry of Home Affairs approving the registration of the Singapore Swimming Teachers’ Association was received by the Law firm. This good news was sent out to all members of the Pro –tem Committee and to the International Federation of Swimming Teachers’ Association. (UK) and the Swimming Teachers’ Association (UK).