Membership Categories

This grade of membership is granted to Associate members holding the total period of ten (10) years service in the Council subject to the Association approval by the Council and is also granted to Associate members who have contributed their services
significantly to the Association and who are 55 years old. Fellow members are entitled to the privilege of non-payment of subscription fees and the privilege of entitlement to use the title “Fellowship of Singapore Swimming Teachers’ Association” represented by the initials FSTA (S) after his name.

This grade of membership is open to persons who hold the Associate Membership and who have successfully attained the required standard in the Qualified
Membership examination. Qualified Membership has full voting rights and eligibility to stand for office within the Association, and they are entitled to use the letters M.S.T.A. (S) after their names and wear the Association members’ badge.

This grade of membership is open to persons who hold the Associate Membership and who have successfully attained the required standard in the Qualified
Membership examination. Qualified Membership has full voting rights and eligibility to stand for office within the Association, and they are entitled to use the letters M.S.T.A. (S) after their names and wear the Association members’ badge.

This grade is open to Qualified Members who present themselves for the Diploma examinations. Diploma members are entitled to all benefits that membership of the Swimming Teachers’ Association can offer, and they are entitled to use the letters D.S.T.A. (S) after their names and wear the Association members’ badge.

Candidates for this grade of membership must be over 21 years of age and hold the Bronze Medallion of the Royal Life Saving Society, together with the Swimming
Teachers’ Certificate of this Association or any other teaching certificates that are approved by the Association. Associate Members are entitled to full voting rights and they are also entitled to use the letters A.S.T.A. (S) and wear the Association members’ badge.